I Challenged Hikaru Nakamura!
- Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
- I had the chance to play against Grand Master Hikaru Nakamura once again. Determined to get my revenge, we played an exciting battle in the Spanish Game, one of the most classic and strategic openings in chess. Do you think I can survive in this game?
#chessgame #hikarunakamura #hikaru #gmhikaru #wgmatousa #atousapourkashiyan #chessmaster
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she has one of this world greatest smiles.
Aww Thank you!☺
True she is so adorable 💗💗:)))
@@OumarDicko-c5i a stupid comment that wasnt needed at all
@@OumarDicko-c5iwhy cap? You don't think she does?
"There's a reason why we do this thing called puzzles" -Hikaru Nakamura
Вы играли как моя сестра это походу у девушек характер делать ход и смотреть на реакцию противника если права то он нервничает значит правильный ход Так нечесно! Я с такими игроками не играю смысл какой если не ваша находка ??? Без обид он в сеоьезной партии вам так подыгрывать не станет А в целом неплохая партия лайк❤@@WGMAtousa
10:50 "I am winning right" hikaru: 👀
Rare footage of Hikaru this peaceful and silent. Blink three times bro if you are threatened with a gun under the table
It’s just marriage.
gun under the table 🤨
he is not trying for viewers, he can just be himself i feel like
but not a single smile ...
So cute. You 2.... 😊😊😊. Sir you did way more then well. 😊.
19:43 hikaru blink twice if u need help 😂😂(cute atousa 😂)
He may need to avoid beautiful eyes contact lol.
10:45 Hikaru gave her that “Are you sure about that?” Look😭
Hikaru & wife: 🙂🙂🙂🙂
Hikaru livestreaming: 🤣😅😁👻🤡🤪😜😝
You can't beat him with "take take take" because that's his specialty 😂
best wishes from Morocco
6:47 She was about to flag him xD
That was Lovely tho, best video I've ever watched today
You guys have so calm and relaxed sounds this become a quite good ASMR video.
Hikaru and Atousa . Wow ! A combination made in heaven ! May this always remain !!!
After he said, "Perhaps perhaps" & shook her hand, he had thee sweetest look on his face ... if she could just keep him in that state. :D That was fun! Ty for sharing. :D
I think now finally hearing you guys talk while playing chess and thats feels good to see
Rule of the game- If Hikaru wins , he sleeps on the floor!
Cool to see you both in chill mode. Great content ! Unique! Might be on to something!
She can do the "no dinner" gambit
Calm down home wrecker.
Underrated comment 😂
the "sleep on the couch" gambit
@@MrMoeqtvariation most likely
مایه افتخارین آتوسا خانم.امیدوارم همیشه موفق و سلامت باشین در کنار خانواده
Hikaru is constantly giving her chances to play
A very well played game against a good-humored and remarkably friendly Hikaru!
Remarkably friendly because that is his wife.
@@joesmith1946 ha I did not know she is his wife! and i thought she was mexican or smth, turns out she's persian!? Still hikaru does not seem freindly at all, he's always boring and kinda autistic
One of the most relaxing videos I've ever watched I could watch 10hrs of this or play this before going to sleep🔥🔥
Wow, thanks
This was amazing, the rain, sounds pretty soothing and calm, this game was so interesting.
Of all the Hikaru chess videos I’ve seen, this one and the other one they did together, are the funnest to watch. This may seem like a non sequitur, but marriage truly is good for humans.
Partnership maybe, but why the institution of marriage specifically?
Hikaru’s facial expression as a response to what she saying at 10:44 is absolutely hilarious
10:36 is hilarious :) At the end, Atusa, you're supposed to say 'and SMAAAASH the like and subscribe button! See you soon!' or something like that.
0:03 Welcome to frozen Hikaru 😅
The Queen and the King playing Chess .
Really nice pair, both look very happy from the inside.
Gonna put this to my classic videos, lol
I love the editing in this video, I appreciate you playing out the visual concepts like the checkmates and the floating king 😅
This was so fun to watch, thank you Atousa.. I really like watching you two together, you are happy and laughing and in love.💗 What a nice and charming personality Atusa has, Hikaru is so lucky to have this woman in his life!
My favorite couple💗✨️♟️
Awww, Thank you so much! You made my day! :)
I agree with him ❤ @@WGMAtousa
Atousa is such a monster player. To perplex Hikaru like that is only a pipe dream for most chess players. I can see why you two got married :P
I tried my best 😅
Arousa is so sweet . Great draw. Wishing you a win ahead. Hikaru's kindness makes his chess even stronger. Love and blessings to both. #foreverfan
Great content Atousa, God bless you both❤
7:21 “Did you premove?” 😭
He pre came
Love it! Thanks for the video!
Great video/content thx for the insight 💯👍🏽
Love this video. It's a bit less serious than the previous match Hikaru seems to be shy from PSA
She :- say something
Hikaru:- 😌
Please make/let Hikaru analyse both moves as a form of compensation.
Also we as the audience can learn more.
It is my dream to play against you two honestly. Hikaru was the one that made me fall in love with chess. I started even competing and climbing the rating ladder. I am happy for your marriage and I am happy to see you guys being happy if that makes sense xD
If you read this just know that I watch every video of you guys at least from lately and I learn from your games.
nice to see you two playing together..❤❤❤
I like this happy Hikaru, heartwarming to see :)
why is bro just staring into my soul in the beginning
What a cracking video - one of the best I've ever seen for all the reasons you can see. Hikaru - you have won the lottery mate!
that mischievous look by Hikaru at @14:32
i am completely fascinated by this side of hikaru
aw, cute, wishing you guys the best! Very good game too, Hika miscalculated some stuff, not that I know what moves needed were, but wow, impressive
This is nice, you guys look great together
Its nice of the older generation to make videos for the youg up and comers. Very inspiring.
She is such a beautiful soul. I remember she was playing for Iran team.
I actually played a game with her and lost.
Hikaru is lucky to have her.
The best ches vid I have seen for a while. And I just got done watching 959 2 days sgo. Happiness for both your lives.!! 💕💕
Gotta admit the dragging the trying to drag the queen at @7:46 to g7 cracked me up
10:49 hikaru's look🤣🤣🤣
It's really nice to watch these games without a clock.
you look so happy together❤
i dont know but i feel like Hikaru is more happy alone doing streaming stuff. C'mon relax my boy ;-) You have a great funny wife
@@Kingside88 Is she his wife?
Ok I just saw she is, but I dono why they talk as if they are new to each other lol.
@@woffordwolf2071yeah exactly
@@woffordwolf2071i think they are just trying to show that they are professionals 😅 to each other...
I was thinking there is so much going on between them aside them game, until I had to google something and find out they're actually married! lol
از قدیم تو اخبار ورزشی میدیدمتون چقدر بد که بایکوت خبری شدید
یعنی حتی تو اینستا هم ازتون کلیپی ندیده بودم تا همین اخرین کلیپی که یهو وایرال شد
خوشحال شدم لبخند و موفقیتتون رو میبینم🤍
This is beautiful! It is clear how much she really loves and admires Hikaru (aka her husband)! What an awesome rainy day activity, playing a game that you both play professionally, for entertainment, and fun. I admire you both!
Atousa is a great player. I love Iran and chess players from that wonderful country (Parham Maghsoodloo, Alireza Firouzja)
I like this type of content
6:49 countdown is savage 😂
She is beautiful and played a great game to hold a draw with great winning chances
Please make videos like this often
WGM Atousa and GM Hikaru are lovely together. Best wishes to you both.
~ Greetings from India
bro knew that if he won, no dinner today
I challenged my husband ❌
I challenged Hikaru Nakamura ✔️
0:08 Hikaru thought about the other filming
Great game and explanation. You two are fantastic.
struggles to remember when we was in Maui last but remembers a chess move he did 20 years ago instantly
The sweetest couple 😊
Love this love match...please do more!!
Always great to see Hikaru around his wife
Im so glad I just found your channel!!!!
Love the setup without music, just a very cute couple playing chess :)
Why is he so serious with his wifeee 😂😂😂😂😂
@@Val_2211he probably didn’t get the psyy from the wife yet
Aww they look so lovely together, wish ya'll the best ❤
One of the game I like to do is guessing, based on the max speed of the players' hands and accuracy and styles of thought, where they could have possibly placed the pieces without reliance on sound of the pieces but only the sound of grabbing and sound of placement. I've been bored at the ward and learned from real life-sentenced math PhD professor super anti-heroes some super intense things.
He has her Queen, she got her King❤
very adorable couple ❤️😍
Lol Hikaru, "F5 loses on the spot" he like a computer i swear!
Yes absolutely right F5 no more solution ..hehehe thats what am thinking bro..
Hikaru is a damn savage! lmao he rarely answers a question straight up lol
10:46 The look he gives her 😂😂😂
همیشه خوش باشید استاد.شطرنج ایران مدیون شماست همیشه برای خیلی ها انگیزه بودید خصوصا برای دخترهامون.به امید این که بزودی به میهن برگردید هیکاروی عزیز رو هم ببینیم از نزدیک
Atuza: "do I have to play 1 second per move" Hikaru "Doesn't matter you can take your time" = "take your time it won't change the final result"
god bless you both, lovely couple ❤❤
Nice vid guys. Damn Hikaru man but you are one handsome devil.
She is so happy 😂❤
Hello Hikaru from Texas. Hope your next freestyle chess tournament is better. Still one of my favorite American chess players.
this was really fun to watch
4:00 "Like d4?" XD
Channel moved up in my interest seeing GMs always enjoy how competitive and comfortable Hikaru is in any setting.
Hikaru please play US Masters and Land of Sky in Asheville when you can one year
Queen to e4 wins for white. I'm surprised she didn't find it.
She sees past his hardened personality and brings out the best in him. 😊😊😊
You guys look good together. Maybe you should have a date or two, but what do i know
Haha, You are funny!☺
What a cold husband!
You could have played Rg6+ instead of Rh6 and you had a win. The pawn on f7 was pinned.
This guy should start streaming chess
But why Hikaru agree to draw its a win for Hikaru by pushing his pawn
"for me it doesnt apply, for you it does".. thats marriage in a single statement!
درود بانو آتوسا . هیکارو قویه. مواظب باش🙂🙂🙂. سعی کن مساوی رو ازش بگیری . باآرزوی سلامتی برای هر دو شما دوست داشتنی ❤❤❤
مساوی گرفت😅
Atusa you are the only person in the world that can persuade Hikaru to get retirement out of his head!